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Showing posts from September, 2018

My Honorable Mention: The League of Utah Writers 2018 Writing Contest

Collect and celebrate the small victories. We reach our goals one hill at a time. I'm happy to report that I received an honorable mention in 2018's Writing Contest for the category of *Prose: First Chapter (Novel).* This contest is judged by professional authors from outside Utah, so that's something. If you don't follow my FB author page, Daniel Rodrigues-Martin , I'd love your support. I'm also on Twitter , but only because I have to. The honorably-mentioned chapter, "The Fates of Stars and People," comes from the beginning of my third book in the Ark Saga , Goddess from the Machine , and is included below. THE FATES OF STARS AND PEOPLE (c) 2014-19 by Daniel Rodrigues-Martin. All rights reserved. It was poetry to die like this, rain falling in sheets from the mouth of an angry sky, all the cosmos peering through the cloud cover at the man’s last moments. Did the stars ponder the fates of humanity as humanity pondered the fates o